Angel Investment Competition Registration
Register with us and we will send you the competion rules and application details.

Angel Investment Application Process
The Angel Investment Competition is a four stage process.
Complete the registration form on this page to register your interest.
Application Form
We will send you the Angel Investment competition details and terms with a more detailed online application form of 5 questions about your idea a copy of your pitch deck. This must be submitted before the closing date.
Video Pitch
A simple video pitch on your smartphone, no more than 5 minutes long that gives you the opportunity to explain your pitch and why we should invest. This must be submitted with your application form and pitch deck before the closing date.
We will review your application form and video pitch to produce a shortlist of around ten companies that we will invite to present their application in person to our investment panel. The Panel will include The Startup Factory and up to three other Angel Investors.
Final Selection
All shortlisted companies will be invited to come and deliver a 5 minute pitch to the panel and take questions. This might be an event day with several investors present, any of whom could invest in your startup. The results will be announced on the day.
If you are selected for Angel Investment, There will be the usual due diligence and then we can complete the Angel Investment quickly.
Your Video Pitch
Keep it simple. Just a video, shot on your smart phone. we want to see you and how you make your pitch. A big part of our investment decision is going to be based around you and how well you pitch your opportunity.
Tell us about you, your company and why you are doing what you do. Tell us why people will buy your products and how you’re going to scale it.
Publish it on YouTube, un private if you like, and send us the link.
We can’t stop you making an expensive video. But you really don’t have to. we are more concerned about the quality of your pitch than the quality of the video itself.
And keep it to no more than five minutes.